Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 11th

I took the lawn mower apart because it's started leaking gas.  I wanted to look at the tank to know which one to order to replace it - I've tried epoxying it before on a previous crack with a small amount of success, but it's so old that I figure I can drop $35 on a new one.

I flew to Auburn to meet Chris and Randy for lunch.  Randy wasn't at the airport when I left, so I flew down towards the house to show up on my ADS-B statistics before heading up the hill.

Chris was late too, so I chatted to an older couple who we've seen up there before until Chris arrived.  We went over to the restaurant and ordered lunch online, only to have it say it'd be available for pick up on Monday.  Oops.  Randy arrived as we'd discovered this, so we headed back to Lincoln and ate at Mary's.

Chatted to John about his RV-6, then Rob about the first flight of his RV-14 on Wednesday, then headed home.

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