Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1st

A whole new year, so here are the stats:

Power billed

Power generated

I met Chris and Randy at Lincoln, where we tightened up Chris' parking brake cable, then we headed out.  Randy decided to go with Chris, as it was pretty windy - gusting 20mph.  When I pulled the rotor back to get the wind through it, I actually started going backwards, so I had to push it forward a bit to get enough ground and rotor speed to take off.  We flew to Nevada County, where it was a lot warmer, and not at all windy.  There was nothing going on there, other than a guy who's at Lincoln a lot pottering around in his RV-6A.  We didn't even get out, and headed off to Auburn, hoping to get lunch there.  We detoured on the way and played around over the Rollins Reservoir for a bit.  When we got to Auburn, the cafe was shut, so we decided to just go back to Lincoln and go to Subway.  At Lincoln, we fixed a broken bracket on Chris' plane, washed out his air filter and left it out to dry, then went to lunch.  When Chris and I got back to the airport, we oiled and installed his air filter, then he headed back to Cameron Park, and I headed home.

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