Monday, November 18, 2019

November 17th

We got up and went to the airport.  The agreement was that we were going to meet at Auburn for brunch, but we were a little early.  Still, Randy wasn't at the airport when we left.  Vic and I started out towards Folsom Lake, but it was a little misty, so we couldn't actually see it.  When I heard Chris approaching Auburn, we turned and headed that way, following the train track where a really, really long train was just starting up the hill.  Eventually we turned straight towards Auburn and landed about 10 minutes after Chris.

Randy showed up pretty late, and shortly after that, Paul showed up in his American Ranger - it's the first time I've seen it, as he only got it this summer.

After brunch, we all stood around chatting and answering questions from people who'd come over to see what we were doing, then headed out.  Chris went back to Cameron Park, the rest of us went to Lincoln, where I put ours away while Randy and Paul headed out - Randy was going to fly part way to Byron with Paul.

We headed home and did some more work in the garden, then in the evening, the three of us (Tilly included) watched "A Dog's Journey".

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