Friday, January 1, 2016

December 29th

Finally all the parts for the new PC that I'm going to build to replace the home theatre PC have arrived, so I put them together:

A Silverstone ML-04 case...
without the lid...
with a Corsair power supply...
and an MSI Mortar motherboard...
and an i3-6100...
and an LG Blu-Ray drive...
And a Seagate Barracuda 1.5 TB drive...

I took the hard drive out of an old USB 2.0 external drive I wasn't using (as come on, USB 2.0?).  I cloned it from the current HTPC (it took 4 hours to copy 400Gb via USB 2.0, that'll teach me to open the case and use SATA), but nothing seems to work, so I'll look into that tomorrow.

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