Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 4th

Today was Independence Day, when Americans celebrate leaving the Empire by going shopping and blowing sh!t up.

After a pretty restless night, I got up and headed to the airport to fly to Oroville for their 4th July fly-in.

Thanks to a healthy tail wind, I got there before Chris, Tim and PJ.  Steve was offering to go behind me in the SNJ, and I pointed out that I was showing 54kts ground speed so I'd go behind him.  I went a little further South to give him some space, then watched him do a fly past as I flew downwind.  He was pretty close behind me on landing, so I flew almost all the way to the taxiway before plopping it down.

When we were all done talking to people, we headed home.  There was a crop duster just West of Lincoln who I flew over - I was at ~1300', he was at ~200'.

When I got home, I threw together a few videos...

Flying past Sutter

Landing at Oroville

Landing back at Lincoln

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