Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 22nd

Shane's first annual inspection on his plane is due at the end of the month, and he's been getting a little twitchy about it, so we agreed to meet at the airport and make a start on it.

When I got there (early,) Henry was unloading his plane.  I know he likes to take his sweet time on everything, so I got Bill's RV-6 out and ran it up for 15 minutes to exercise the engine and get the oil up to temperature.  He's moved to Florida, and is aiming to be back in a couple more weeks to pick it up, and I'd said I'd try and run the engine every few weeks or so.

I helped Henry get his rotor back in, then Shane and I started on his service at the same time as getting everything back in the hangar.  We mostly got the pre-rotator all apart and serviced, but I'd say we're about half way done.

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